Rafal WilinskiBlogConsulting


My recent thoughts about AWS, Serverless, DynamoDB and more...

March 14, 2021 / 5 minutes / #AWS #DynamoDB #NoSQL #GraphQL #Serverless

Upgrading Javascript AWS-SDK to v3

In December 2020, AWS released AWS SDK v3 for Javascript . It promises to be modular and has a more tree-shakeable structure, resulting in smaller artifact sizes. This is especially important if you're interacting with AWS resources inside…

June 05, 2020 / 2 minutes / #AWS #Golang #Lambda #CDK

Creating Golang Lambda functions in AWS CDK

Go, known also as Golang, despite being the language of the cloud still is not having proper support in CDK (Cloud Development Kit): Over 500 programmers expressed the interest, however, it's not there yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not…

May 29, 2020 / 5 minutes / #AWS #DynamoDB #NoSQL #GraphQL #Serverless

GraphQL@Edge with globally replicated DynamoDB, AWS Lambda and Cloudfront CDN

I'm seeing an interesting juxtaposition lately. While many people claim we're observing a downfall of the software quality and speed , it is also a well-known fact that optimizing your website speed is crucial for your business' success…

December 30, 2019 / 5 minutes / #AWS #Architecture #Certification

How I became AWS Certified Architect Professional - my tips and tricks on passing the exam

AWS Certifications are one of the most wanted on the market right now . Many studies suggest that you can earn a decent amount of money by becoming a certified AWS expert. Recently I've managed to pass AWS Certified Architect…

December 06, 2019 / 4 minutes / #AWS #Serverless #reInvent #VPC #ColdStarts #FaaS

Serverless in 2020 gets even better with re:Invent improvements for AWS Lambda - cold starts are "finally gone"

Cold Starts, even longer cold starts in VPC, SQL connections limit, and complexity. These were the most mentioned problems of the Serverless throughout 2019. Luckily, Amazon listens to the community and customers and as a part of re:Invent…

November 29, 2019 / 8 minutes / #AWS #DynamoDB #NoSQL #GraphQL

Lessons learned using Single-table design with DynamoDB and GraphQL in production

DynamoDB is a powerful yet tricky beast. While it enables insane scalability , it has some stringent limitations that you need to be aware of. It is also impossible to go with such a NoSQL database with an RDBMS mindset. Change in thinking…

November 16, 2019 / 8 minutes / #AWS #SQS #DynamoDB #NoSQL

Using AWS Lambda and SQS to perform mass, distributed and asynchronous updates on DynamoDB Tables

UPDATE X WHERE Y; is non-trivial task to do in NoSQL landscape as opposed to other SQL-based databases. In SQL it's just one operation while on NoSQL you have to run PUT operation against each record. Apparently, that's not an easy task…

October 15, 2019 / 3 minutes / #AWS #Serverless #Amplify #Typescript

Creating AWS Amplify Functions in Typescript

AWS Amplify gives a great power to the developers. With just a few commands you can unlock true power of Cloud and provision whole APIs, add some Lambda functions and host in on S3 with CloudFront CDN in front of it. However, right now…

July 06, 2019 / 4 minutes / #AWS #Serverless #ELB #EC2 #ALB

Hybrid Load Balancing traffic between EC2 and Lambda functions - useful API migration pattern

With this particular PR included in version 1.45 , the Serverless Framework team has finally enabled a possibility of using Application Load Balancers as event source instead of using API Gateway. We've heard few of stories where…

July 05, 2019 / 11 minutes / #AWS #ECS #EC2 #Docker #Containers

Bulletproof ECS Cluster - Best practices for creating secure, stable and cost-effective clusters on AWS

Running ECS Cluster on AWS may be troublesome. After bunch of outages and war stories, I present you a list of lessons learned the hard way to make your cluster secure and anti-fragile on a budget. Host in private, expose as via ALB/ELB The…

June 30, 2019 / 8 minutes / #AWS #CDK #Terraform #Cloud

Comparison of AWS Cloud Development Kit with Terraform by building 2-tier Web App

As AWS Architect my day-to-day job includes writing a lot of Terraform code in HCL. While I really like TF, in few places it's really verbose and some quirks of HCL are frustrating. So, I decided to take AWS Cloud Development Kit for a…
